The project
ETUCLEX is the network for human rights and legal and strategic litigation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and its affiliates.
Its aim is to pool together the collective expertise on law and human rights which already exists within the European trade union movement. Through ETUCLEX, ETUC affiliates can play an active role in the trade union movement by disseminating information and sharing good practices and legal advice, while benefiting from the contributions of other affiliates.
An interface which facilitates the transfer of information
Our assignment was to set up a communication interface allowing affiliates to publish concrete cases and to exchange their opinions through comments. We also had to take into account various particularities specific to the organisation, such as the fact that only affiliated users have the right to publish cases or to access certain content or parts of content.
And so our biggest challenge was to manage these different types of users, with ETUC members and affiliates on the one hand with privileged access, and the rest of the public on the other hand, with content-related restrictions. By showing each visitor a display optimised for his or her use, we made the platform as comprehensible as possible both for logged-in members and for anonymous users.
- The page indicating ongoing cases;
- the page indicating closed cases;
- the publication of news and events;
- the integration of external resources.

Accessibility in complexity
We focused on a clean, easy-to-understand interface, while maintaining a visual correspondence with the website ETUC.org. We thus opted for neutral colours (light grey, dark grey), with certain elements such as buttons and highlighted links in brighter shades (red and blue).
With regard to branding, we were also asked to design the official logo of ETUCLEX. For this logo, the client's requirement was that the connection with ETUC be directly visible at first glance and that there also be some additional colouring evoking the idea of justice.
After several months of work, the ETUCLEX website now offers a perfectly accessible interface, despite the complexity of the initial constraints. By logging into the ETUC.org platform, affiliates can create “cases”, comment on others, and have access to a set of resources designed to help them in their administrative and legal procedures.
Want to know more about our work with Etuclex?
- Sorting and searching for cases based on keywords or location;
- ensuring different kinds of access to content for authenticated and anonymous users;
- setting up a newsletter via Drupal;
- the implementation of user authentication via ETUC.org.