The website www.webstanz.be (hereafter, the "Platform") is an initiative of :
Webstanz SRL
Avenue Mélina Mercouri 9 Bte 9.2
7000 Mons
Company N° (BCE) : 0739.656.573
RPM Hainaut
VAT N° : BE0739656573
E-mail : @email
Phone : +32 479 41 11 39
(hereafter « Webstanz SRL » « our company » or « us »)
- Field of application
These general terms and conditions (hereafter the "TOS") apply to any visit or use of the Platform and its information by an Internet user (hereinafter "User").
By visiting or using the Platform, the User acknowledges that he/she has read these TOS and expressly accepts the rights and obligations mentioned herein.
The provisions of the GCT may exceptionally be waived by written agreement. These derogations may consist in the modification, addition or deletion of the clauses to which they relate and have no impact on the application of the other provisions of the GCT.
We reserve the right to change our TOS at any time, without prior notice, but we agree to apply the current provisions at the time you used our Platform.
- Platform
A. Access and navigation
We take all reasonable and necessary measures to ensure the proper functioning, security and accessibility of our Platform. However, we cannot offer a guarantee of absolute operability and our actions must therefore be considered as being covered by an obligation of means.
Any use of the Platform is always at the User's own risk. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage that may result from possible malfunctions, interruptions, defects or harmful elements present on the Platform, unless otherwise provided by law.
B. Content
We determine the content of the Platform and take great care with the information on it. We take all possible measures to keep our Platform as complete, accurate and up-to-date as possible, even when the information on it is provided by third parties. We reserve the right to change, supplement or delete the Platform and its contents at any time without liability.
We cannot offer an absolute guarantee regarding the quality of the information on the Platform. It is therefore possible that this information may not always be complete, accurate, sufficiently precise or up to date. Therefore, we shall not be responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, that the User may suffer as a result of the information on the Platform.
If any of the contents of the Platform are in violation of the law or the rights of third parties, or are contrary to morality, we ask you to inform us as soon as possible by e-mail so that we can take appropriate measures.
Any download from the Platform is always at the User's risk. We shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from such downloads, such as loss of data or damage to the User's computer system, which is entirely and exclusively the responsibility of the User, unless otherwise provided by law.
- Links to other websites
The Platform may contain links or hyperlinks to external websites. Such links do not automatically imply any relationship between us and the external website or even an agreement (even if implied) with the content of such external websites.
We have no control over external websites. We are therefore not responsible for the safe and proper functioning of the hyperlinks and their final destination. As soon as the User clicks on the hyperlink, he/she leaves the Platform. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for any subsequent damage.
- Intelectual Property
The structure of the Platform, as well as the texts, graphics, images, pictures, sounds, videos, databases, computer applications, etc. that make it up or that are accessible via the Platform are our property and are protected as such by the laws are under intellectual property.
Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the contents, trademarks and services offered by the Platform, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorization of the publisher, is strictly forbidden, except for the elements expressly designated as free of rights on the Platform.
The Platform User is granted a limited right to access, use and display the Platform and its content. This right is granted on a non-exclusive, non-transferable basis and may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes. Except with prior written consent, Users are not authorized to modify, reproduce, translate, distribute, sell or communicate to the public, in whole or in part, the protected elements.
The User is prohibited from introducing data on the Platform that would modify or be likely to modify its content or appearance.
- User Obligations
In addition to the other conditions of use, each User undertakes in particular :
a/ to use the Platform with due care and attention, i.e. in a reasonable manner;
b/ not to use the Platform in a way that contravenes the provisions of these TOS;
c/ not to use the Platform in such a way that negligent or ill-intentioned use of the Platform alters the content of the Platform, makes unauthorized modifications, causes functional impairment or unavailability (temporary or permanent) of the Platform, or contributes to any incident that may cause damage to us or to third parties
d/ not use the Platform for illegal purposes, contrary to good morals or with the aim of damaging our reputation or that of third parties
e/ not to include without our prior consent the content of the Platform in (parts of) websites or applications of third parties that are not related to our company. The inclusion of parts of the Platform in (elements of) third party sites or applications that are not linked to our company via inline links or in any other way is also prohibited without our prior consent.
- Protection of personal data
The personal data provided by the User when visiting or using the Platform are processed in accordance with our Data Protection Statement available on the Platform.
- Applicable law and juridiction
The present TOS are governed by Belgian law.
In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought to the courts of the judicial district where our company has its registered office.
- General conditions
We reserve the right to modify, extend, delete, limit or discontinue the Platform and the associated services at any time, without prior notice, and without liability.
In case of violation of the TOS by the User, our company reserves the right to take appropriate sanctions and remedies. In particular, we reserve the right to deny the User access to the Platform or our services temporarily or permanently. These measures may be taken without giving any reason and without prior notice. They cannot engage our responsibility or give rise to any form of compensation.
The illegality or the total or partial invalidity of a provision of our TOS will have no impact on the validity and application of the other provisions. In such a case, we have the right to replace the provision with another legally valid provision of similar scope.